var trans = { "add_in" : "Add in :", "add_new_field" : "Add new field", "answer_of_type" : "Answer type :", "assignment_error" : "An error occurred in the assignment", "assignment_successfully" : "Assignment was done successfully", "cancel" : "Cancel", "characters" : "characters", "confirm" : "Confirm", "delete_assignment" : "Delete assignment", "delete_assignments" : "Delete assignments", "delete_assignments_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected assignments?", "delete_field" : "Delete", "delete_email_notification" : "Delete notification", "delete_email_notifications" : "Delete notifications", "delete_email_notification_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected notifications?", "delete_form" : "Delete template", "delete_forms" : "Delete templates", "delete_form_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected templates?", "delete_optionslist" : "Delete options list", "delete_optionslists" : "Delete options lists", "delete_optionslist_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected options lists?", "delete_planningalert" : "Delete alert", "delete_planningalerts" : "Delete alerts", "delete_planningalert_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected alerts?", "delete_project" : "Delete form", "delete_projects" : "Delete forms", "delete_project_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected forms?", "delete_report" : "Delete report", "delete_reports" : "Delete reports", "delete_report_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete this report?", "delete_reports_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected reports?", "edit" : "Edit", "edit_field" : "Edit field", "edit_fieldset" : "Edit group", "edit_fieldset_modal" : "Edit questions group", "edit_form" : "Edit form", "error" : "Error", "error_occurred" : "An error has occurred", "explanation" : { "fieldset" : "Allows you to organize your form in questions groups.", "label" : "A label in the document", "text" : "Add a text field to be filled by the users.", "paragraph" : "Add a paragraph to be filled by the users, allowing a longer answer than text fields.", "select" : "Choose one or several predefined options in a list.", "multidata" : "Configure many fields with same pattern.", "radios" : "Choose one predefined question in a list.", "date" : "Add a date field.", "time" : "Add a time field.", "map" : "Add a map to the form to do operations.", "geolocation" : "Add a button for calculating the user position when is pushed.", "signature" : "Add a field to make a signature.", "sketch" : "Add a field to make annotations in a previously loaded sketch.", "image" : "Add a field to upload a photo." }, "field_options" : { "add_from_api" : "Introduce data using an API", "add_from_list" : "Introduce data using a list", "add_from_real_values" : "Introduce data using values from other form records", "select_project" : "Select form", "select_field" : "Select field", "add_options" : "Introduce the options (one option per row)", "format" : "Format" }, "field_title" : "Field title (label)", "fieldset_collapsed" : "Questions group is collapsed by default", "fieldset_title" : "Questions group title", "first_fieldset" : "First questions group", "guests" : { "delete_error" : "Some guest has associated projects or assignmets." }, "hide_completed_assigns" : "Hide completed", "keyword_caption" : "Keyword (No. record, license plate, etc.)", "modal" : { "cancel" : "Cancel", "next" : "Next", "previous" : "Previous", "save_project" : "Save and edit form" }, "multiple_answers_allowed" : "Multipe answers allowed", "no_options" : "This element has no options.", "autocalculate_server_edit" : "No autocalcular del lado servidor en edición", "nfc_app" : "Usar con NFC", "input_field" : "Input field", "output_field" : "Output field", "numeric" : "Numeric", "currency" : "Currency", "no_additional_options" : "This element has no additional options.", "planning" : { "settings" : "Planning settings" }, "project_name" : "Form name", "project_not_updated" : "Form could not be updated.", "project_without_title" : "Form without title", "required_field_message" : "An answer is required for this question", "not_show_solicitud" : "Hide when filling Work Orders", "radio_option_restrict" : "Read-only register", "txt_value_restrict" : "Write the value that will make the record read-only", "save" : "Save", "see_completed_assigns" : "See completed assignments", "submission" : { "edit_error" : "It occurs an error when updating the report" }, "submissions_summary" : { "error" : "Error loading data, try again" }, "text" : "Text", "themes" : "Themes", "title" : { "fieldset" : "Questions group", "label" : "Label", "text" : "Text", "paragraph" : "Paragraph", "select" : "Selectable", "multidata" : "Multi-Data", "radios" : "Unique option", "date" : "Date", "time" : "Time", "map" : "Map", "geolocation" : "Geolocation", "signature" : "Signature", "sketch" : "Sketch", "image" : "Photo" }, "undefinedStr" : "Undefined", "delete_automatic_assign" : "Eliminar asignación automática", "delete_automatic_assigns" : "Eliminar asignaciones automática", "delete_automatic_assign_question" : "¿Seguro que deseas eliminar las asignaciones automática seleccionadas?", "messageExport" : "Export previously to have the model of the file", "importFiles": "Importar desde archivo", "delete_template" : "Delete template", "delete_template_question" : "Are you sure you want to delete this template?", "submission_saving" : "The changes are being saved, do not close the browser", };